Sweden already has pretty restrictive gun laws in place, but it looks like they’re going to ge
SB 3, the bill banning the sale and manufacture of every gas-operated semi-automatic firearm that ca
PARIS (AP) – The man is insistent: Our ship is in difficulty, so keep your distance, he instructs
The terrorist organization known as the Gulf Cartel has once again killed an innocent victim who was
By Lee Williams Have you ever heard of NEO Philanthropy? They’re a left-wing group that has bee
When people turn 18, they should be able to exercise the full spectrum of their constitutionally pro
After a jury in Jefferson County, Colorado acquitted a man of second-degree murder and manslaughter
Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) introduced legislation Wednesday to write into law one of President Don
WELLINGTON, New Zealand (AP) – A wave of antisemitic attacks has roiled Australia, with a dozen ar
I’m not a huge RFK, Jr. Fan. I know a lot of people are right now and while I think he might d
I’ve had some interesting conversations with doctors and nurses about guns (and even gun contr
The Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee holds a hearing on the debanking of America
A growing number of red states have joined President Donald Trump in seeking ways to reduce illegal
by Lee Williams David Schieferle, who spent 20 years as a U.S. Air Marshal, served eight months behi
The Democrats have signaled they will make gun control the centerpiece of their gameplan going forwa